Labs: Not The Science Kind

(Image taken from The Independent)

The labrador retriever has always served the role of an English hunting dog, but over the last several decades it has snuck its way into our hearts and become one of the most popular family dogs.

We love our labradors because of their friendly nature, their easygoing temperament, and their energy that doesn't ever seem to run out. Wherever there is a labrador, there is likely a smile. They say money can't buy happiness, but money can get you a labrador, and I really don't see a difference. So if you are ever feeling lonely, go to the dog park and play with a labrador. There will probably be one there because everyone loves labs and you would be silly to get a dog and not get a lab.

But most of all, we love our labradors because they love us fiercely & unconditionally.

Labradors are >>>>>

For more information on Labrador Retrievers, Visit The American Kennel Club

Here is a picture of my dog for happiness

(image taken by me of my very own labrador. can confirm that labrador = happiness.)

For possibly less accurate information on Labradors, visit Wikipedia

Click on the images below for more links about labradors

(Image taken from Country Life)

(Image taken from Dog o' Day)

(Image Taken From Nationwide Pet Insurance)

Top 5 reasons Labradors are the best.

  1. So much love
  2. Always friendly
  3. So much energy
  4. When you want to change your clothing from white to black or black to white (depending on your labrador's color), they are so considerate and will shed all over it for you!
  5. They're gorgeous and cute and beautiful

Warning. This is the sound that your labrador might make if they get over excited. Be prepared.

(Sound taken from Mixkit)

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